Step 1 of 2
Membership Type
Credit Card
Member Renewal
Member NEW*
Student Renewal
Student NEW*
PLEASE NOTE: By signing this application, you agree to the following terms:
Accuracy of Information I declare that all information provided in this application is true and correct.
Membership Application and Compliance I am applying for membership and agree to comply with the club's By-Laws and Regulations, accessible in the BPW Brampton Caledon Members Area on the website. I understand that access to this area is provided upon initiation, and I am responsible for reviewing these documents.
Consent for Use of Personal Information I consent to BPW Brampton Caledon using my personal information, image, or voice in photographs or videos for purposes related to membership benefits. Examples include newsletters, annual reports, and website materials. These may be shared within the BPW organization at various levels: BPW Brampton Caledon, BPW Ontario, BPW Canada, and BPW International.
Protection of Member Information I agree to protect all BPW members' personal information and will not distribute or publish it outside of BPW for commercial use.
Email Communication Consent I consent to receive email communications from all levels of BPW, including Brampton Caledon, Ontario, Canada, and Internationally. I understand that I may revoke this consent anytime by using the unsubscribe link in every email.
Membership Renewal The BPW membership year runs from May 1 to April 30. I agree to renew my membership on or before May 1 each year to maintain my status as a member in good standing.