Resolutions, By-Laws & Public Affairs Chair: Mina Di Domenico
Connecting Women. Inspiring Change.
In Our Community
BPW Brampton Caledon Club members support five local Community Partners through fund-raising activities, including general meetings, 50/50 draws, and book sales. An annual golf tournament and seasonal drives of meat/seafood and cakes/cookies take place to support our Community Partners.
- Caledon Community Services
- Salvation Army Honeychurch Family Life Resource Centre
- Ste. Louise Outreach Centre of Peel
- Victim Services of Peel
- Wellspring Chinguacousy Cancer Support Foundation
Across the Province
For the 2025 Club Year, the BPW Brampton Caledon Resolutions Committee is submitting one commendation and one resolution. This year, we are partnering with our BPW Niagara Falls members on Addressing Gender-Specific Mental Health Needs, and Reforming Ontario’s Mental Health Care System resolution.
At the BPW Ontario Provincial Conference and AGM, all resolutions from across the province will be discussed, debated, and voted on. Once passed, a Brief will be shared with the provincial government, relevant ministries and opposition parties. These briefs contain directives to urge the provincial government and relevant ministries to take action.
Our members are encouraged to contact and meet with their local Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP).
Across Canada & Globally
The BPW Brampton Caledon Resolution Committee is submitting three resolutions: Federal Income Tax Equity and Single Senior Women, Standing with Afghan Women and Girls and Criminalizing Coercive Control in Intimate Relationships. The last resolution is a follow-up to the club’s resolution from last year on the Prioritization and Inclusion of Femicide in Canada’s Criminal Code.
At the BPW Canada AGM, resolutions nationwide will be discussed, debated, and voted on. Once passed, the approved resolutions will form a Brief for the federal government, relevant ministries and the opposition parties, similar to the provincial process.
Our members are encouraged to contact and meet with their local Member of Parliament (MP).