Empowering Voices: The Role of Advocacy in Shaping Healthier Communities
Location: Brampton Flight Centre and Flying Club, 13691 McLaughlin Rd, Cheltenham, ON L7C 2B2
RSVP and Advance Payment Required with Registration by Tuesday March 18th, 2025.
Please RSVP and send payment to Pat Dowling, [email protected]
Payment by e-Transfer: $38.00, please use March as your password
Payment includes tip and taxes, Buffet Dinner: Rice, Chicken, Vegetables, Salad, Dessert, Pop/Coffee/Tea
Cash Bar Available
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 9821 9024
Passcode: 264618
Speaker Bio: Anne Marie Hayes
Anne Marie Hayes began her career as a Respiratory Therapist before becoming a global healthcare leader advocating for humanized health approaches. She has been instrumental in advancing the Patient Inclusion movement and promoting women in leadership. Her diverse experience spans public and private sectors, encompassing frontline patient care, health policy development, organizational leadership, strategic operations, and governance. Anne Marie particularly focuses on promoting health literacy that empowers people living with chronic conditions, while championing diversity in clinical trials and medicine development.