Links and Resources
- BPW Ontario (includes Mentorship Women Strengthening Women Program)
- BPW Canada (includes advocacy on Reproductive Rights and Justice, and Human Trafficking)
- Canadian Coalition to Empower Women CCEW (spearheaded by BPW Canada; advancing gender equality)
- BPW International
- BPW North America
- BPW British Columbia and Yukon Territories
- BPW New Brunswick
- BPW Quebec – Province
- Young BPW Canada
- Young BPW International
Women’s Advocacy
- LEAF – The Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund is a national non-profit organization working to promote equality for women and girls in Canada.
- UN Women – UN Women is the global champion for gender equality, working to develop and uphold standards and create an environment in which every woman and girl can exercise her human rights and live up to her full potential.
- Canadian Women’s Foundation – Canada’s public foundation for gender justice and equality.
- – Formed in 1976, the Equal Pay Coalition is comprised of dozens of trade unions, women’s and business women’s groups, and community organizations seeking to end gender pay discrimination and close the gender pay gap through legislation, collective bargaining, and social initiatives.
Careers & Networks
The WIT (Women In Technology) Network is a global and local not for profit organization encouraging women and girls to study STEM and pursue careers in technology.
Young Women in Business is a community for emerging self-identified women leaders and professionals who want to create their own success.
ATHENA International is a non-profit organization that develops, supports and honors women leaders and those who inspire them to reach their full potential by offering unique, impactful leadership development and award programs.
Canadian Women Chamber of Commerce
Canadian Women In Public Relations
Women’s Business Enterprise Counsel is the bridge between Canadian women-owned businesses and larger corporate and public buyers that were previously out of reach.
Canadian Association of Women Executives and Entrepreneurs.
We Build a We Build A Dream offers specialized programs that help women and girls explore under-represented careers, while partnering with industry to create an inclusive workforce
Working Women Community Centre is a women-focused settlement agency that provides support to newcomers and their families.
ShelterSafe Ontario – Find a women’s shelter
Most shelters offer counselling and referrals to women whether they live in the shelter or elsewhere.
Family Court Support Workers – Direct support to survivors involved in family court.
Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres – Support for survivors of sexual violence
Elder Abuse Prevention of Ontario
Assaulted Senior Women’s Helpline
DisAbled Women’s Network
See a list of crisis hotlines on the DAWN Canada website
Assaulted Women’s Helpline – Helpline for women for support and referrals. Services available in many different language. 1-866-863-0511 or TTY 1-833-286-9865
Family Court and Beyond – Survival workbook for women leaving abusive relationships.
Steps to Justice – A guide to law in Ontario. Legal information about abuse and family violence
Health Resources
- Action Canada
- Osteoporosis Society of Canada
- World Health Organization
- Health Canada Online
- The InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Your Body Your Choice
- Catholics for Choice
- Abortion Rights and Services: Access and Safety
- Oxfam Canada: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Asbestos Exposure and Ovarian Cancer
Resources & Information
- Archives of Ontario – Provincial Government information resource: 77 Grenville Street, Unit 300, Toronto, ON M5S 1B3