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Young BPW

Young BPW Chair: Rianna Ramesar


Young Business and Professional Women (Young BPW) is a part of BPW International and every young woman up to the age of 35 years automatically is a Young BPW as they joins a local BPW club. When you become a part of Young BPW, you have essentially found unlimited access to like-minded career women and international networks. Young BPW members work together with BPW members, at all levels of BPW: local, provincial, national, and international. We grow professionally and personally while connecting with thousands of friends from across the globe.


Young BPW

Promote Young BPW partnerships within BPW at all levels and encourage Young BPW’s to hold leadership roles as part of a training, mentoring and development program within the BPW organization.


The Young BPW Chair encourages each BPW President in Ontario to set up a Young BPW committee. Part of the roles and responsibilities of this committee would include:

  • Identify and create a local database of Young BPW’s within your Club (including any BPW member interested in being an advisor to the Young BPW’s) and forward this information to the Provincial Chair who is responsible for maintaining the database for Ontario.
  • Promote training in lobbying procedures, parliamentary procedures and negotiating skills.
  • Create and publish a bulletin that would provide information on courses, seminars, lectures, and personal development in the areas of science, technology, languages, commerce, humanity, law and health.
  • Promote twinning with another Young BPW in another province or country.
  • Promote attendance and participation at the leadership seminars, provincial board meetings and Provincial Conference as opportunities for personal development and leadership training.
  • Support and encourage flexibility within BPW to implement new ideas and technology.
  • Subscribe to the Young BPW Newsletter and encourage participation in submitting articles and reports.
  • Networking worldwide, utilizing the newsletter, mailing lists and other tools.

We have a presence on Facebook, search for the group listing titled Business & Professional Women’s Club of Brampton Caledon.